21 & 42 Days Meditation Challenge
Develop Meditation habit for your Lifetime using these challenges . Signup and win Free Meditation Book when you complete them successfully.

Meditation on Inner Light & Sound of God is as taught by Science of Spirituality Masters is a complete Science and Art of becoming one with our creator and developing as a true human being. The more we practice this Meditation the more we grow spiritually. We also experience all the earthly benefits of reducing stress, anxiety and leading a holistically healthy lifestyle. You can learn this meditation by attending 6 – 8 of our weekly meditation classes.
21 Days Challenge: In order to complete this challenge, you need to meditate for at least 15 minutes a day daily for minimum of 21 days without missing a day. If you miss a day, you would start counting again from 1. Those who complete this challenge successfully, will receive one of the meditation books shown below as a gift.
42 Days+ Challenge: Once you complete the 21 days challenge, you can complete this next level challenge. Here you need to meditate for at least 20 mins in week#4, 25 mins in week#5 and 30 minutes in week#6 daily for next 21+ days without missing a day. If you miss a day, you start counting again from day 22. Feel free to take more time to reach to 30 mins daily level for at least one week. Those who complete this challenge successfully, will receive the second meditation book.
How to sign-up for 21 or 42 days challenge? It is required that you attend minimum of 4 meditation classes to learn the technique in order to be eligible for 21 days challenge and 8 classes for 42 days challenge. Once you complete your first session, you can sign-up for 21 days challenge and complete the challenge while also completing the 4th session. Just let the instructor know. If you already attended classes but missed on the challenge, then you can fill-up the forms below. We will contact you to verify your entry.
Recommended books to pick as Gifts after completing 21 days challenge: