
August 29-30, 2008 – Apple Valley Minnesota

Retreat in to Peace – A day with Inner Self

~~News Article~~


Science of Spirituality Satsangs in Minnesota organized a meditation retreat for serious mediators.  The retreat was held at a Dakota County park facility called Sacajawea Retreat Center in Apple Valley, MN.  Study groups were lead by Harold Berjohn, an experienced retreat facilitator from Peoria, Illinois.  The retreat was well attended by 30 seekers.

The retreat started with a study circle discussion on detachment and self-surrender and quickly focused on questions about the role of a spiritual master.  Participants discussed how a spiritual master can help one to grow spiritually and how we can become true receptacles of His grace.  Following the study circle discussion, a video satsang by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj was shown.  In the video He encouraged all seekers to continue meditation in spite of an apparent lack of progress.  He used the phrase “Don’t Worry” to encourage us to keep meditating because the results of meditation are in the hands of God and only through His grace can one experience divine light within.  Our job is to continue sitting in meditation and to continue our spiritual practices.

Children who had been occupied by some of the moms joined us for a wonderful dinner prepared by some of the ladies in our group.  Dinner was followed by meditation on the inner light.  Later in the evening, we shared stories of God’s grace around a campfire.

The schedule allowed participants to spend time in sweet remembrance of God.  Many of us stayed overnight at the center and meditated in the early morning.  For many it was a unique experience, waking up at 4 am and meditating in a natural, peaceful environment.  After meditation, everyone took a morning walk in nature and practiced repeating God’s name (called Simran) while walking.  Walking in nature in remembrance, stopping for a short meditation, followed by yoga stretching exercises was a great experience for many.

After breakfast and a period of meditation on the inner light, Harold facilitated a discussion on how one can experience oneness with God and all of His creation.  Harold inspired some great discussions on the topic by asking intriguing questions and then elaborating using Sant Mat quotes in answering those very questions.  One of the interesting questions was, “Which parts of creation are separate from God?”  The question triggered several related discussions among participants.  Participants seem to enjoy the discussion as it explored inspiring thoughts to help grow spiritually.

The meditation retreat concluded with another video satsang by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj on “Love and Devotion”.  Maharaj Ji emphasized the need for developing love for God in order to achieve the true purpose of this human life.  After another period of meditation, the retreat concluded at noon with another wonderful vegetarian meal.

Enjoy all retreat pictures here!


This event was reported in India Post.

Harold was very cool and calm. Very sincere and looked very down to earth.  Meditation, Morning Simran, camp fire and Food :). The facility were excellent with weather being really nice.  The function looked like it was a family get together with all coming up together for each other.

– Chetan Saraf

The collective participation and inquest makes the retreat a much more valuable experience.

– Neeraj & Seema Gupta

It was an opportune time to meet with other community spiritual advocates and members.  I enjoyed talking and sharing experiences with all of them.   The retreat had a peaceful atmosphere and the environment also lend it’s serenity to the occasion.  It was a nice environment.

– Satya Balroop